Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


College of the Arts


Theatre and Dance

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Christian von Howard

Committee Member

Donna Scro Samori

Committee Member

Diann Sichel


Subjectivity: Exploring Transformation Within Historical Form explores modern dance pioneer Bella Lewitzky’s historical work, Inscape (1976), reinterprets it through a contemporary lens, and implements a collaborative cross-disciplinary approach in its evolution. While informed by my Lewitzky reconstruction experience, this investigation stems from a desire to assertively engage with history while finessing my creative voice and utilizing current technology that was unavailable when the dance work premiered. My process’ intricacies were refined through extensive research into: historical dance reconstruction, Lewitzky’s collaborative relationship with Inscape’s costume designer Rudi Gernreich, imagination psychology, and influential choreographer and multimedia unifier Alwin Nikolais. My project’s culminating dance film, Metaphase, marks an insightful venture into both filmmaking and my own collaborative partnership with friend and costume designer, Andrew Palomares. These notable outcomes, along with my continued examination of dance history, will propel my creative practice in the future to provide engaging dance works and build a connection between myself and other choreographers.

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