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Music Therapy Perspectives


The year is 2091. I am walking down a simulated path in the woods created by artificial intelligence. My destination is unclear but my mission is not: In the midst of crippling global unrest and environmental decay, I was sent what appears to be an extraterrestrial message to “look for evidence of the humanity that binds people together.” Artists have become increasingly valued for their methods and sensibilities. No longer minimized as mere entertainment, people have begun to realize that the artistic process holds certain knowledge that is needed at this crucial moment in time. Post-positivistic researchers have worked on the computer intelligence that has led to the creation of this wooden path that I am now walking. Phenomenologists and grounded theorists have conducted endless interviews and observation to understand the essence of being in nature. The knowledge gathered by these mixed methods have …

Published Citation

M Viega, Music Therapy Perspectives 34 (1), 1-3

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Music Therapy Commons