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Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education


This paper introduces the Music Learning Profiles Project, and its methodological approach, flash study analysis. Flash study analysis is a method that draws heavily on extant qualitative approaches to education research, to develop broad understandings of music learning in diverse contexts. The Music Learning Profiles Project (MLPP) is an international collaboration to collect and curate a large number of flash studies exploring musicking and music learning in a variety of contexts that fall outside traditional school music education. In this paper the authors present context, rationale, and methods for the project, along with indicative preliminary findings. The project aims to provide an expanding online database of music experiences upon which colleagues in music education and ethnomusicology research can draw, and to which they are invited to contribute. The MLPP aims to benefit the music education community and wider society by helping to democratize research to include more diverse experiences of music learning.



Published Citation

Radio Cremata, Joseph Pignato, Bryan Powell, and Gareth Dylan Smith. 2016. “Flash Study Analysis and The Music Learning Profiles Project.” Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education, Vol 15, Iss 5, Pp 51-80 (2016), no. 5: 51. doi:10.22176/act15.5.51.