Reflectivity of Ba2YCu3O7-Σnormal State Dynamics
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Physica C: Superocnductivity
Measurements of reflectivity, R, as a function of temperature, T, and frequency, ω, in crystals of Ba2YCu3O7-δ, with σ ≅ 0.1, 0.3, and 0.8, are reported. The frequency dependent conductivity, σ(ω, T), obtained by analysis of R extrapolates at low ω to values consistent with previously reported σ(O,T). To explain the shape of σ(ω, T) requires the quasiparticle mass and lifetime to be strongly ω-dependent, withh¯/τ ≈ 2kBT and m*/mo ≈ 7 at low ω, crossingg over toh¯/τ ≈ 0.35 eV and m*/mo ≈ 1 forh¯/τ 〉 0.3 eV.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Orenstein, Joseph O.; Thomas, Gordon A.; Rapkine, D. H.; Millis, Andrew J.; Schneemeyer, Lynn; and Waszczak, Joseph V., "Reflectivity of Ba2YCu3O7-Σnormal State Dynamics" (1988). Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 189.