Microstructure of Pb2Sr2ACu3O8 Superconductors: New Structures and Superstructures
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Physical Review B
We report a detailed study of the microstructure of the new class of high-Tc superconductors, Pb2Sr2ACu3O8, by transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. Several new structural and superstructural variants are observed for A=Eu+Sr, Dy+Ca/Sr or Dy+Sr. Approximately 50% of the individual crystals analyzed displayed weak violation of the c centering present in x-ray macroscopic structure determination, and superstructure variants with modulation vectors parallel to a and/or b were observed in 25% of Eu+Sr the crystals analyzed. In the A=Dy+Sr structures only, structure modulations were observed along [110] and [110] directions.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Hull, Robert; Bonar, Janet M.; Schneemeyer, Lynn; Cava, Robert J.; Krajewski, J. J.; and Waszczak, Joseph V., "Microstructure of Pb2Sr2ACu3O8 Superconductors: New Structures and Superstructures" (1989). Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 494.