Temperature Dependence of the Resistivity Tensor in Superconducting Bi2Sr2.2Ca0.8 Cu2O8 Crystals
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Physical Review Letters
A strongly anisotropic resistivity tensor was measured from Tc=81 to 600 K in crystals of the new high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2.2Ca0.8 Cu2O8. The a-b plane anisotropy is ab2, with a and b linear in T. The perpendicular component c10 cm is 105 greater than a or b. Evidence for nonmetallic temperature dependence is found for the c ab resistivity ratio. The data are consistent with the notion of quasiparticle tunneling between planes, but an alternative explanation in terms of weak interplanar coupling by topological defects is also presented.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Martin, S.; Fiory, Anthony T.; Fleming, R. M.; Schneemeyer, Lynn; and Waszczak, Joseph V., "Temperature Dependence of the Resistivity Tensor in Superconducting Bi2Sr2.2Ca0.8 Cu2O8 Crystals" (1988). Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 57.