A Hydraulic Trap for Preventing Collector Well Contamination: a Case Study
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A hydraulic trap in the form of a purge well is proposed for the Forwell collector well K‐71. The trap, which will protect well K‐71 from contamination by contaminants migrating downgradient from the old Breslube waste disposal site, is based on a qualitative flow net obtained from a finite‐element model of the Forwell Aquifer. The trap constitutes pumping at the position of observation well OW 9‐80 at a continuous rate of at least 6.1 X 10‐3 m3/s. The uniqueness of the trap lies in its simplicity and relatively low cost.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Ophori, Duke and Farvolden, Robert N., "A Hydraulic Trap for Preventing Collector Well Contamination: a Case Study" (1985). Department of Earth and Environmental Studies Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 114.