Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College of Education and Human Services


Teacher Education and Teacher Development

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Nicole Barnes

Committee Member

Helenrose Fives

Committee Member

Douglas Larkin


This qualitative, instrumental case study examined how a mentor inquiry community can serve as a space for mentors to articulate their knowledge and what about the inquiry community, its characteristics, might harm or help that development. Using Design-Based Research as the methodology, a mentor inquiry community, composed of three university-based mentors of preservice teachers and I engaged inquiry. Mentors showed their knowledge through their storytelling and problematizing each other’s work. The inquiry community was facilitated by shared symbolic language, and mentors’ off-task talk hindered the current work of the community but may have opened up new avenues of inquiry for the mentors in the future. The study creates opportunities for future research into how storytelling and joint-problem solving may expose knowledge in inquiry communities, teacher education, and P-12 practice; and future research into how symbolic language, small talk, and the principals of design-based research may facilitate mentors showing their knowledge.

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