Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


College of Humanities and Social Sciences



Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Jason Dickinson

Committee Member

Peter Vietze

Committee Member

Anthony D’ Urso


This study investigated jurors’ ability to identify investigator bias and determine if the camera angle at which lineup identifications were recorded impacted their ability to do so. Participants saw one of twelve videos in which a witness made an identification decision from a lineup after seeing a simulated crime video depicting a mugging. Half of participants were given a biased lineup administration; the other half were given a neutral (non-biased) lineup administration. Additionally, participants saw a biased or non-biased lineup filmed from either witness focused, investigator focused, or equal focus camera angle. Subsequently, participants rendered judgments that reflected their perceptions of the investigator, the eyewitness, and the lineup itself. Participants were largely able to identify investigator bias when it was present. However, the camera angle at which the lineup identification was recorded had little impact on their ability to identify investigator bias, and had little impact on their perceptions of the investigator or the witness. The implications of these results for the videotaping of eyewitness identifications are discussed.

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Psychology Commons
