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Target Grades
Elementary School
Publication Date
The Australian Council for Educational Research
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Geraldo is a story about what an immigrant undergoes when he leaves one culture and tries to 'join' another culture. An immigrant suffers a triple disruption: he loses his sense of place, he enters into an alien language, and he finds himself surrounded by beings whose social behavior, norms and traditions are very unlike, and sometimes even offensive to his own. The explanation of the leading ideas in this manual help students and teachers explore the philosophical themes in Geraldo. The discussion plans, exercises, and activities are designed to foster and cultivate the process of philosophical dialogue in the classroom.
Discussion plan: What makes you you?
- If you took a new name, would you still be you?
- If you had different parents, would you still be you?
- If you started to behave very differently, would you still be you?
- Are you the same person you were when you were a little baby?
- Will you be the same person when you are 90 years old?
- If you had been born in a different country, would you still be you?
- If you lived in a different country for ten years, would you still be you?
- If you began to chink very differently about many important things, wouId you still be you?
Ann Margaret Sharp, death, migration, philosophy for children, language, reasons, poetry
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Education | Migration Studies | Philosophy
Recommended Citation
Sharp, Ann Margaret and Splitter, Laurance J., "7. Discovering Our Voice: A Manual to Accompany 'Geraldo'" (2000). Later Elementary School Curriculum. 5.

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