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Preschool & Kindergarten
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The Australian Council for Educational Research
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Through a range of exercises and discussion plans, Making Sense of My World helps teachers encourage children to think more deeply about the world around them, and to explore the philosophical concepts attached to their daily experience. What makes something real? What makes a 'best' friend? Together with the companion novel The Doll Hospital, Making Sene of My World is an ideal starting point for primary school children and philosophy.
Exercise: Where do things come from?
Ask your students where the following things came from. Where possible, hold up the object in question, or a picture of the object.
- A toy car
- Rubbish
- A butterfly
- A caterpillar
- A hot dog
- Santa Claus
- Earth
- The stars
- Rain
- Time
- Sharp, Ann Margaret and Laurance J. Splitter (2000) Making Sense of My World: Instructional Manual to Accompany The Doll Hospital. Camberwell, Victoria, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research.
- Finnish translation (Finnish): Sharp, Ann Margaret and Laurance J. Splitter (2000) Kuka minä olen?: Nukkesairaala-kertomuksen opettajanopas [Who am I?: Doll Hospital Teacher's Guide]. [Need translator.] Oulu, Finland: Oulun yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos [Department of Teacher Education, University of Oulu]. ISBN 9789514254369.
- Italian translation (Italy): Sharp, Ann Margaret and Laurance J. Splitter (2000) Dare senso al mio mondo. L'ospedale delle bambole. Manuale. Translated and adapted by Maura Striano. Naples, Italy: Liguori Editore. ISBN 9788820729653. Available for purchase here.
- Portuguese translation (Portugal): Sharp, Ann Margaret and Laurance J. Splitter (2008) Compreendendo o meu mundo: manual do professor para o Hospital das bonecas. Translated by Zaza Carneiro de Moura. Lisbon, Portugal: Dinalivro. ISBN 9789725765050.
- Slovenian translation (Slovenia): Sharp, Ann Margaret (2024) Izbor iz Bolnišnice za lutke (roman) in Osmišljanje mojega sveta (priročnik za učitelje) [Selections from The Doll Hospital (novel) and Making Sense of My World (teacher manual)]. Translated by Dominik Herle. Unpublished manuscript.
- Spanish translation (Spain): Sharp, Ann Margaret and Laurance J. Splitter (2006): Entendiendo mi mundo. Manual del profesor para acompañar a Hospital de muñecas. Translated by Pilar Pedraza Moreno. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones de la Torre. ISBN 9788479603663. Available for purchase here.
aging, beauty, dolls, identity, lying, person, story, truth
Early Childhood Education | Philosophy
Recommended Citation
Sharp, Ann Margaret and Laurance J. Splitter (2000) Making Sense of My World: Teacher Manual for The Doll Hospital. Camberwell, Victoria, Australia: The Australian Council for Educational Research.