New Jersey English Journal
Volume 13 (2024) Cultivating Joyful Teaching and Learning in English Language Arts
Full Issue
Front Matter
Cover, Editors' Note, Front Matter
Lauren Zucker, Susan Chenelle, and Katie F. Whitley
It Was Our Classroom
Adele Bruni Ashley
Writing Horror: Culturally Responsive Genre Literacy
Carly Berwick
Finding Joy through Vulnerability in the English Classroom
Darlene Calderon, Kayla Sullivan, and Emily R. Smith
Healing Through Expressive Writing
Jennifer Chauhan and Christine DeMarsico
Hamlet and Happiness: How changing curriculum brought back joy
Alice Daken-Stefanski
“Joy and Pain” Strategies for Transformative Learning in the English Language Arts Curriculum
Alanna Harris
(Why) Haven't We Figured It Out by Now?: Cultivating Joyful Teaching and Learning in ELA
Janet D. Johnson
Finding a Balance: Navigating High-Stakes Testing and Standardized Curricula for Joyful Teaching and Learning
Samantha Musa and Kevin Cataldo
Join Me in the Eagle’s Nest: An Essay on Cultivating Connection, Belonging, and Joy in Turbulent Times
John Pascarella III
Facilitating Joy in the Literacy Classroom by Recognizing Preferences of Core Personality Styles
Amy L. Ruglio
Cultivating Joy through Digital Pleasure Reading: Whose Pleasure Is it Anyway?
Lauren Zucker, Kristen Hawley Turner, and Rachel Besharat Mann
Prose Poem With a Timer Set
Oona M. Abrams
To the Middle School Talent Show Kids
Oona M. Abrams
Reading a Poem Written in Invisible Ink
Bill Meissner
Where the Poems Find You
Bill Meissner