Handedness Differences in Self-Assessment of Sleep Quantity: Non-Right Versus Strong Right Handers
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Sleep and Biological Rhythms
Handedness differences in self-reported sleep variables were examined. Strongly right-handed (SRH) and non-right-handed (NRH) college students were queried as to average sleep duration, amount of sleep desired, and number of dreams per week. Analyses were performed on these variables and on calculated sleep time reduction. Non-right handed students expressed decreased sleep duration (392.80 ± 69.56 min) compared with SRH (417.59 ± 70.46 min); P < 0.05. That gross measures of handedness and sleep produced significant effects indicates the ease with which handedness classifications can be used, the robustness of handedness effects on sleep measures, and the necessity of controlling for handedness in sleep investigations.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Propper, Ruth, "Handedness Differences in Self-Assessment of Sleep Quantity: Non-Right Versus Strong Right Handers" (2004). Department of Psychology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 248.
Published Citation
PROPPER, R.E. (2004), Handedness differences in self-assessment of sleep quantity: Non-right versus strong right handers. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2: 99-101. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1479-8425.2003.00067.x