Increased Hedonic Differences Despite Increases in Hedonic Range
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Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Viewing hedonically negative paintings increased the hedonic ratings of subsequently viewed test paintings (positive hedonic contrast; Experiment 1) and also increased the degree of preference between the test paintings (Experiments 2 and 3). This result differs from the reduction in hedonic preference (hedonic condensation) that accompanies negative hedonic contrast. It also differs from the reduction in perceived differences that usually accompanies expansion of stimulus range and that is predicted by numerous theories.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Zellner, Debra; Jones, Ke'Nesha; Morino, Jennifer; Cogan, Elizabeth S.; Jennings, Emily M.; and Parker, Scott, "Increased Hedonic Differences Despite Increases in Hedonic Range" (2010). Department of Psychology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 274.
Published Citation
Zellner, D.A., Jones, K., Morino, J. et al. Increased hedonic differences despite increases in hedonic range. Atten Percept Psychophys 72, 1261–1265 (2010).