Mixed- Versus Strong Right-Handedness is Associated with Biases Towards "Remember" Versus "Know" Judgements in Recognition Memoryrole of Interhemispheric Interaction

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Growing evidence supports the hypothesis that episodic versus semantic memories rely primarily on interhemispheric versus intrahemispheric processing, respectively. For example, a recent study found that individuals with presumed greater interhemispheric interaction were superior in episodic recall but inferior at semantic word fragment completion; however, tests of recognition memory yielded no group differences. Interestingly, recognition memory can be based on either explicitly remembering a stimulus or implicitly knowing that a stimulus had been presented. The current experiments administered recognition memory tests to strongly versus mixed handed participants who judged for each recognised item whether their response was based on remembering (episodic memory) or knowing (semantic memory) (Tulving, 1983). Results indicate that strong versus mixed handers are biased towards basing recognition responses on judgements of knowing versus remembering, respectively. As strong versus mixed handedness is associated with greater versus lesser interhemispheric processing, the results support the original hypothesis.



Published Citation

Propper, R., & Christman, S. (2004). Mixed- versus strong right-handedness is associated with biases towards “remember” versus “know” judgements in recognition memory: Role of interhemispheric interaction. Memory, 12(6), 707–714. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658210344000503

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