Document Type
Review Article
Publication Date
Journal / Book Title
New Directions for Student Leadership
This chapter describes theory and research demonstrating that the experiences students have within student organizations, and the people with whom they interact within those organizations, are powerful triggers for leader learning and development.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Sessa, Valerie; Alonso, Nicole; Farago, Pamela; Schettino, Gaynell; Tacchi, Kelcie; and Bragger, Jennifer, "Student Organizations as Avenues for Leader Learning and Development" (2017). Department of Psychology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 463.
Published Citation
Sessa, V. I., Alonso, N., Farago, P., Schettino, G., Tacchi, K., & Bragger, J. D. (2017). Student organizations as avenues for leader learning and development. New directions for student leadership, 2017(155), 21-32.