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Pure International Conference 2019


In 2016, Montclair State University adopted Digital Commons as its IR and showcasing solution. This was an initiative led by the library to showcase faculty publications, books, student theses and dissertations, and institution-led journals. In 2018, as part of the ResearchwithNJ initiative, Montclair State University adopted Pure. This was an initiative led by the Vice Provost for Research to highlight the University’s research expertise to foster new and stronger industry collaborations. In late 2018, driven by a desire to maximize the utility and coordination between both platforms, Montclair State University initiated its participation in the Pure-Digital Commons beta integration program. The program supported a select set of joint customers in leveraging the strengths of both platforms to further advance the institution’s goals: a robust system of institutional records in Pure were transferred to populate Digital Commons and maximize the visibility of the institution’s output. This presentation will highlight the steps and considerations the combined library and research office teams went through together with Elsevier to define the integration and flow of records, and highlight the results and anticipated impacts.
