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Elsevier Library Connect Event


As a university’s research status changes, so must the outreach efforts and the mission associated with its institutional repository. This presentation will focus on the current culture of research at Montclair State University,a public research university located in Montclair, New Jersey, and the second largest university in the State, and how an institutional repository has been embedded into that research culture. Three years ago, Montclair State was first recognized as a Research 3 Doctoral university, and, in February of 2019, the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education designated Montclair State as a Research 2 Doctoral institution, High Level Activity. Additionally, the State of New Jersey recognized the institution’s increase in research efforts in 2017, when it formally declared Montclair State a Public Research University, making it one of only four in the State. While these new designations signify a continued expansion of the University’s research portfolio and doctoral program offerings, outreach efforts and populating the repository have taken on a new importance in an effort to showcase the University’s scholarly activities. In parallel with institutional research activity, this increased visibility can translate into tangible benefits. These benefits encompass such aspects as enhancing the University’s competitiveness and ability to obtain research grants, improving its ability to recruit high-quality faculty and graduate students, and encouraging collaboration with partners who are considering engaging in research and development projects. As this evolving culture of research is embraced throughout the University, the need for a vibrant repository becomes more crucial to impacting the University’s strategic vision.
