American Democracy Now (8th Edition)
Brigid Callahan Harrison, Jean Wahl Harris, and Michelle D. Deardorff
An At-home Guide to Children's Sensory and Behavioral Problems: Qigong Sensory Treatment for Parents and Clinicians
Linda Garofallou and Louisa Silva
Education for Social Justice: the Meaning of Justice and Current Research
Nicholas M. Michelli, Tina J. Jacobowitz, Stacey Campo, and Diana Jahnsen
Preparing to Lead: Narratives of Aspiring School Leaders in a "Post"-COVID World
Patricia Virella, Nathan Tanner, and Darin A. Thompson
Self-Face Recognition and the Brain: How the Neuroscience of Mirror Recognition Has Changed Psychology, Psychiatry, and Evolution
Julian Keenan, Karina Quevedo, and William D. Hopkins
Stalin sacagionato: esame dei fatti sulla morte di Solomon Mikhoels
Grover Furr, Vladimir L. Bobrov, and Fabio Rocca
Italian translation of "Stalin exonerated"
Teaching Instrumental Music: Contemporary Perspectives and Pedagogies
Bryan Powell, Kristen Pellegrino, and Quincy C. Hilliard
Understanding Human Communication
Ronald B. Adler, George Rodman, Athena du Pré, and Barbara Cook Overton
Fifteenth edition.
When Animals Die: Examining Justifications and Envisioning Justice
Katja M. Guenther and Julian Keenan
Τα ψέματα του Χρουστσόφ = Ta Psēmata tou Khroustsóf
Grover Furr
Greek translation of "Khrushchev Lied."
Artificial Intelligence Tools and Technologies for Smart Farming and Agricultural Practices
Rajeev Kumar Gupta, Arti Jain, Zhongxian Wang, Santosh Kumar Bharti, and Sumar Patel
This collection features books and other works published by the Montclair State University community. We will start by entering the most recent publications and work our way back to the older ones. We do not have the rights to put the full text of the book or the contents of the performance online. Many titles are in the Library’s collections, so please check the Library’s online catalog for the availability of the works. A booklet was published for the annual University Authors event. PDF versions of the booklet may be found in University Authors in Montclair State University Digital Commons. The booklet ceased publication in 2023. Titles mentioned in the annual University Authors event can now be viewed at University Authors Recognition Program.
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