Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Neuroimmune Toll-like receptor signaling modulates C. elegans feeding behavior in a hunger state-dependent manner, Retwika Ganguly (2025)
Quantifying the vulnerability of smooth dogfish and winter skate to electromagnetic fields from offshore wind transmission cables in the mid-Atlantic shelf, Rachel A. Sechrist (2025)
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Assessing the invasive Clinging Jellyfish: Where are all the Polyps?, Angela Chemidlin (2024)
The combined effects of NaCl and beet juice on germination and early seedling growth among Raphanus sativus L., Justin Howell (2024)
Dynamic Genomic Evolution via Active LTR Transposable Elements in Maize, Taylor Isles (2024)
Investigating the evolved tolerance of zooplankton to salt pollution: a microcosm study, Megan Klutts (2024)
Assessment of predation by common spider crab Libinia emarginata on an intermittent food resource Mytilus edulis, Noah T. S. Macchirole (2024)
Relationship Between Marine Heatwaves and Diadema antillarum Settlement in the Florida Keys, David Ogando Jr. (2024)
Value of Macroalgae as Habitat in a Eutrophic Coastal Bay, Dominika Polchowska (2024)
Assessing the Feasibility of Seaweed Farm-Offshore Wind Co-Location in New Jersey, Brianna Delaney Reynolds (2024)
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the rTPJ (Right Teaching Parietal Junction), Molly Skowron (2024)
Spatiotemporal Patterns in Diadema antillarum Settlement in the Florida Keys: Implications for Habitat Restoration, Julia Skowronski (2024)
Breeding and Morphometric Trends in a New Jersey Population of American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius), David Michael Walker (2024)
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Bioinformatics Approach for Evaluating Evolutionary Convergence of Gene Family Size in Hematophagous Insects, Mbemba Ceesay (2023)
Optimizing CRISPR/Cas9 Transfection Protocol to Generate a Tet-on Inducible Sk-Mel 24 Cell Lines to Better Study ICER, Abdulkader Hallak (2023)
Effects of Guest Interactions on Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) Behavior in a Zoo Touch Tank, Lauren Hope (2023)
Black Garlic Extract as an Antiviral for Herpes Simplex Virus-2 in Lung Cells, Jenna Rose Horowitz (2023)
Neural Correlates of Sub-Clinical Grandiose Cluster B Personality Disorders, Adriana LaVarco (2023)
Environmental Drivers of Stress in Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens) : Behavior and Space Use Changes in Response to Redesigned Naturalistic Enclosures, Alexis Michelle Lawson (2023)
Social Exclusion : How Inhibition and Excitation of the Dorsal Lateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) Influences Feelings of Social Exclusion, Anthony Minervini (2023)
Heat Stress Effects on Culex pipiens Mosquitoes, Valeria Montoya (2023)
The characterization of miniCoopR cell line clones for the expression of wild type form of ICER, Samantha Moscoso (2023)
Trends in Nestling Body Size in a Declining Population of American Kestrels, Kristina M. Ollo (2023)
Secondary Analysis of ChIP-SEQ Dataset and Genomic Interactions of ICER, Karem Rivera (2023)
Wild Sea Cucumber Trade in Rural Madagascar : Consequences for Conservation and Human Welfare, Emily L. Rothamel (2023)
Trophic Assessment of the Invasive Hydrozoan Gonionemus vertens Using Stable Isotope Analysis : You are What You Eat, Diana Sisk-Gritz (2023)
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Examination of Changes in Gene Family Size in Carnivorous Plants Through Genomic Analysis, Moonia Ammari (2022)
Effect of Soil Conditions on Invasive Purple Loosestrife Compared to Native Species, Madeline Ruth Baum (2022)
Assessment of the Asexual Reproductive Strategies of the Invasive Clinging Jellyfish Gonionemus vertens, Valin Jarred Booker (2022)
Targeting Prosthetic Joint Infections Using Modified EGCG Derivatives with Antibiotics, Kavneet Chahil (2022)
Feeding Preference of the Sea Urchin Arbacia punctulata for Algal Turf Over Kelp in a Degraded Kelp Forest Ecosystem, Kenneth J. Hamel (2022)
Cas9 gRNA and Homologous Recombinant Plasmid Integrate Inducible HA-N-ICER in the AAVS1 Locus of SK-MEL-24 Cells, Douglas Job (2022)
Parasite Variability in the Invasive Crayfish, Faxonius rusticus, in Northern New Jersey, Nathan Martin Klunk (2022)
Turning Tadpoles: Effects of Salinity and Lateralization on Hyla versicolor Escape Behaviors, Victor LoPiccolo (2022)
Spatial Distribution and Recruitment of the Botrylloides violaceus and Botryllus schlosseri Tunicates in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, Kaitlyn Maguire (2022)
Assessment of Digital Imaging Flow Cytometry in its Application of Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring, Melissa Mazzaro (2022)
Evaluation of Kappa Opioid Receptor Specific Compounds and Their Effect on PTSD-Like Behavioral Activity, Daniel Murnock (2022)
Green Tea Polyphenols EGCG-S and P-EGCG Containing Formulations Effectively Inhibit Growth and Biofilm Formation of ESKAPE Bacteria, Calvin William Taylor (2022)
The Susceptibility for Recreational Boating to Serve as a Vector for Harmful Algal Blooms, John Michael Thraen (2022)
Evaluation of Ranavirus Major Capsid Protein Gene Sequence Mutations in United States East Coast Frog and Tadpole Populations, Erin Marie Tyll (2022)
Isolation and Analysis of Single-stranded DNA Aptamers for the Detection of Ranavirus, Stephanie Zapata (2022)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Effects of Microcystis aeruginosa on New Jersey Aquatic Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Stephanie Beck (2021)
Effects of Inducible cAMP Early Repressor (ICER) on Herpes Simplex Virus -1 (HSV-1) Replication, Rosalina Caba (2021)
Utilizing Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) as a Reporter Gene to Study the Nuclear/Cytoplasmic Localization of the Transcriptional Repressor ICER, Melissa Cabral (2021)
Investigating the Effects of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms on the Vulnerability to Shell Disease of Northern Red-Bellied Turtles (Pseudemys rubriventris) in New Jersey, Stephanie Getto (2021)
Effects of Differing Environmental Conditions on Bacteriophage Jenika, Gerard Nasser (2021)
Effect of Tropical Cyclones on Coastal Marine Ecosystems, Xenia Neal (2021)
A Comparison of Metagenomic Sequencing Using Targeted 16S and Whole Genome Shotgun NGS on Microbial DNA Samples, Adam Daniel Parker (2021)
Characterizing Bacterial Communities Across a Nutrient Gradient Over Winter Months, Emily Jin Searles Stone (2021)
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Size Does Matter : Exposure and Effects of Microplastics on the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Erika Bernal (2020)
Transcriptomic Identification of Venom Candidates in the Clinging Jellyfish Gonionemus vertens, Alorah D. Bliese (2020)
Testing Multiple Climate Stressors at the Cold Range Limit of a Marine Calcifier, Christian R. Bojorquez (2020)
Impacts of Forest Fire on Stream Sediment : A Chemical Analysis of the 16 Mile Fire in Delaware State Forest, Pennsylvania, USA, Bernadette Rosario Calderon (2020)
Response to Phototaxic Stimulation in Relation to Sex and Reproductive State in the Urban Adapted Mosquito, Culex pipiens f. molestus, Karen M. Catalina (2020)
The Antiviral Effects of Embelin on HSV-1 in Cultured Vero Cells, Tony Elias (2020)
The Expression of Circadian Rhythms in the Non-Diapausing Mosquito Culex pipiens f. molestus, Natalie Rachel Epstein (2020)
Estimating Parasitoid Wasp Assemblages on Fragmented Land : Do Habitat and Trap Type Matter?, Matthew Charles Christopher Havers (2020)
Trace Element Accumulation and Distribution in Two Turtle Species, Malaclemys terrapin and Chelydra serpentine in New Jersey, USA, Molly Hillenbrand (2020)
Analysis of the Spatial Distribution, and Recruitment of Native and Non-Native Tunicate Species on Zostera marina in New Jersey, Sarah Hoffman (2020)
A Preliminary Investigation of World Trade Center (WTC) Dust Effects on MRC-5 Lung Fibroblasts and the Cellular Inflammatory Response, Katelyn Anna Kerod (2020)
Home Range Size and Habitat Use : Analysis on the State Endangered Bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Northwestern New Jersey, Rita Isabel Matos (2020)
A Phylogenetic Assembly and Positive Selection Analysis of the DMP1 Gene in Aves, Testudines and Crocodilia, Nicholas Michael Morelli (2020)
Contrasting Seasonal Presence of West Nile Virus in Mosquitos Between Coastal and Inland Communities of New Jersey, Domenica Mousa (2020)
Cloning and Expression of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GvFP) from the Clinging Jellyfish (Gonionemus vertens) Using RNA-Seq, Vasilios A. Orologas (2020)
Do Chemical Cues Influence Giant Waterbug Belostoma flumineum Say (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) Turning Behavior?, Olivia Paradis (2020)
Impacts of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station on the Zooplankton Community Structure of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, Alyssa M. Petitdemange (2020)
Factors Affecting Clutch Size in a Population of Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) in Northwestern New Jersey, Veronica Lynn Puza (2020)
Environmental and Trophic Factors that Influence the Prevalence of Gonionemus vertens in the Northeastern United States, Matthew Rigby (2020)
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Movement and Mortality in the Flat Brook-Roy Catch and Release Section of New Jersey, Christopher J. Shea (2020)
A Salty Compromise: The Behavioral Response of Red-Backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) to Different Concentrations of NaCl, a Prevalent Road Deicer, Randolph Viola (2020)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Saturated Hydrocarbon Analysis of Liberty State Park Soils, Matthew Chi-Hymn Cheung (2019)
Do Indirect Predator Cues Affect Behavior of the Freshwater Clam Sphaerium simile?, Jesse Bruce Eichler (2019)
The Potential Synergistic Effect f EGCG-S and Antibiotics on the ESKAPE Bacteria Group, Summer Elsayed (2019)
Impacts of a Natural Disturbance on Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys and Subsequent Recovery Potential of the Sea Urchin Diadema antillarum, Julia Nicole Kobelt (2019)
Reproductive Success Increases with Age in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), Especially in Breeding Males, Emilie Rehm Luttman (2019)
Predictive Biomarkers Demonstrating the Effect of Levels of Copper and Zinc from Exposure to World Trade Center 9/11 Particulate Matter on Human Esophageal Cells in vitro, Rossara Nunez (2019)
Curcumin and Hispolon as Potential Antibacterial Agents, Haleigh Elizabeth Sullivan (2019)
Effects of Astragaloside IV on GSK-3β and S6K1 Phosphorylation in C2C12 Muscle Cells, Kyle James Tuohy (2019)
Targeted Resequencing of CRISPR Cas9 Mediated ICER Knockout in SK-MEL-24 Cells, Justin Wheelan (2019)
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Antimicrobial Activity of Lipophilic Green Tea Polyphenols on S. mutans and the ESKAPE Pathogens, Mathew Milad Abtahi (2018)
Green Tea Polyphenol EGCG-S as an Antimicrobial Agent, Theresa Renee Aponte (2018)
The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Urban Brownfield Soils, Jennifer Rosalia Balacco (2018)
Establishing a Method to Detect Fragile X CGG Repeats within the FMR1 Gene of Embryo Trophectoderm Biopsies, Jenna Bedard (2018)
Evaluating the Success and Monitoring the Usage of Wildlife Crossing Structures in Bedminster, NJ, Nicole Heather Bergen (2018)
A Phylogenetic Analysis of Extinct and Extant Pan-Alcidae (Charadriiformes: Aves), Alexandria A. DiGiacomo (2018)
The Study and Analysis of Historic Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Sites, Elizabeth Grietzer (2018)
Behavioral Response of Adult and Larval Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) to a Common Road De-Icer, NaCl, Dylan Jones (2018)
Novel Bryophyte Auxin Conjugate Amidohydrolases from Physcomitrella patens and Marchantia polymorpha and Their Role in the Evolution of Auxin Metabolism, Stephanie Lyn Kurdach (2018)
Impacts of Drainage Basin Characteristics on Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Upper Passaic River, Michael J. Levinson (2018)
Evidence of POGO Transposable Elements in the Atlantic Bay Nettle (Chrysaora chesapeakei) Genome, Jonathan C. Medina (2018)
A Population Characterization of Allegheny Woodrats (Neotoma magister) In the Hudson River Palisades of New Jersey, Amanda Menasion (2018)
A Promising Novel Method Targeting Prosthetic Joint Infections, Shanice Otieno (2018)
The Expression of ICER Under the Control of the Ovarian CYP19A1 Promoter in Zebrafish Ovaries Danio rerio, James Reilly (2018)
Effects of World Trade Center Particulate Matter From September 11, 2001 on Biochemical Pathways Associated with Apoptosis and Cell Viability, Eric Tobias (2018)
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Preliminary Investigation and Sequence of the Hyaluronidase Gene in the Venom of the Atlantic Sea Nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha), Zachary A. Cropley (2017)
The Effect of Post-Translational Modifications on ICER's Function and Localization, Dina H. Edani (2017)
Zebrafish as a Model Organism for Ovarian Specific Expression of Transgenes, Paula Hernandez (2017)
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Hemolytic Lectin from Venom of the Stinging Sea Nettle, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, Anup Khanal (2017)
Green Tea Polyphenols as Potential Anti-Endospore Agents in Targeting Bacillus spp., Giselle Lalata (2017)