This collection features books and other works published by faculty and scholars in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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Telling the Story in the Middle Ages : Essays in Honor of Evelyn Birge Vitz
Kathryn A. Duys, Elizabeth Emery, and Laurie Postlewate
Romantic Education in Nineteenth-Century American Literature : National and Transatlantic Contexts
Monika M. Elbert and Lesley Ginsberg
Оболганный сталинизм. Клевета XX съезда = Obolgannyi Stalinizm. Kleveta XX s'ezda
Grover Furr
Revised version of Antistalinskaia Podlost'
苏共二十大 : "秘密报告"与赫魯曉夫的谎言 = Su gong er shi da : mi mi bao gao yu He Lu Xiao Fu de huang yan
Grover Furr and Weixian Ma
Chinese translation of "Антисталинская подлость" (= Khrushchev Lied)
American Democracy Now (4th Edition)
Brigid Callahan Harrison, Jean Wahl Harris, and Michelle D. Deardorff
God in the Tumult of the Global Square : Religion in Global Civil Society
Mark Juergensmeyer, Dinah Griego, and John Soboslai