Structure and Physical Properties of Single Crystals of the 84-K Superconductor Bi2.2Sr2Ca0.8Cu2O8+
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Physical Review B
Single crystal sof the 84-K superconductor Bi2.2Sr2Ca0.8Cu2O8+ were characterized by x-ray diffraction, dc magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and microwave absorption. The structure has [CuO2] planes separated by calcium atoms, edge-shared bismuth oxide double layers, and an incommensurate superlattice along b with a period of 4.76. The in-plane resistivity above Tc is linear in T, with RT=130 cm. Initial results on Pb substitution yielding Tc's of 107 K are reported.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Sunshine, Steven A.; Siegrist, Theo; Schneemeyer, Lynn; Murphy, Donald W.; Cava, Robert J.; Batlogg, Bertram; Van Dover, Robert B.; Fleming, R. M.; Glarum, Sivert H.; Nakahara, Sho; Farrow, Reginald C.; Krajewski, J. J.; Zahurak, S. M.; Waszczak, Joseph V.; Marshall, J. H.; Marsh, P.; Rupp, L. W.; and Peck, W. F., "Structure and Physical Properties of Single Crystals of the 84-K Superconductor Bi2.2Sr2Ca0.8Cu2O8+" (1988). Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 271.