Taking Adoption Issues into the New Millennium: An Introduction
Document Type
Review Article
Publication Date
Journal / Book Title
Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness
The prevalence of adoption in our society and our awareness of adoption-related issues have increased markedly in recent years, due to socioeconomic and sociopolitical changes at the national and international level. Given the high incidence of adoption in the United States today, it is perplexing and unfortunate that many adoptive triad members still feel that the complexities of adoption are not fully understood. In addition, many clinicians still feel that clear and useful guidelines and training for therapy with adoptive triad members are hard to find. This introduction addresses these concerns in general in the context of discussing the different contributions included in this special issue.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Javier, Rafael Art; Baden, Amanda; Cottone, John G.; and Denham, Seanna Kaye, "Taking Adoption Issues into the New Millennium: An Introduction" (2002). Department of Counseling Scholarship and Creative Works. 69.