"The Production of Green: Gentrification and Social Change" by Jessica Miller

The Production of Green: Gentrification and Social Change

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Journal / Book Title

Just Green Enough: Urban Development and Environmental Gentrification


In public planning forums, this chapter focuses on the social dimensions of green gentrification stemming from redevelopment interest and environmental clean up efforts along the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, New York. How do physical changes, social changes, and power dimensions change through the green gentrification process, and how do residents and community members react to these changes? By using an urban political ecology framework, this chapter will unravel some of the political, economic, and environmental influences of the green gentrification processes in Gowanus. The desires of some groups have become important to defining who this area is being recreated for, while some residents are entirely left out of these discussions. The visions enacted through environmental clean up efforts and redevelopment processes reveal which visions are important in re-creating Gowanus. Simultaneously, others feel pressure to leave the area through displacement pressure as a result of rising property prices, rents, and social changes taking place in the neighborhood. This case is part of a 5 year research project that allows room for discussing how green gentrification impacts neighborhoods and individuals within them.



Book Publisher


Published Citation

Miller, J. (2017). The production of green: Gentrification and social change in (Ed.) Curran, Winfred and Hamilton, Trina. Just Green Enough: Urban Development and Environmental Gentrification (pp. 107-120). New York: Routledge.
