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American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints


The morphological features including porosity and grains of methane hydrate host sediments were investigated using synchrotron computed microtomography (CMT) technique. The sediment sample was obtained during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 164 on the Blake Ridge at water depth of 2278.5 m. The CMT experiment was performed at the Brookhaven National Synchrotron Light Source facility. The analysis gave ample porosity, specific surface area, mean particle size, and tortuosity. The method was found to be highly effective for the study of methane hydrate host sediments.

Published Citation

Jones, K. W., Feng, H., Tomov, S., WINTER, W., Eaton, M., & Mahajan, D. (2004). Morphology of methane hydrate host sediments (No. BNL-73670-2005-CP). BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (US).
