Literacy Education and Diversity: Toward Equity in the Teaching of Reading and Writing
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Journal / Book Title
Urban Review
A discussion of the education of a population that is increasingly diverse, linguistically and culturally, this paper argues that non-mainstream students do not perform as well in school as predominantly white, middle-class, English-speaking mainstream students because they are not equitably served by the educational system. Some complexities of educational equity are explored and equity issues in literacy education of language minority students are analyzed from four perspectives: individual student differences; sociocultural factors; language issues; and curriculum and instruction. It is concluded that perceptions of students as individuals must be balanced with perceptions of them as members of social and cultural groups, and that the well-documented mismatch between home and school language use for non-mainstream students causes difficulties because school expectations are based on mainstream language patterns; it does not indicate a lack of interest in or preparation for school. Few educational programs tap and develop native language abilities among bilingual students, and non-European content is generally absent from curricula. Literacy education for language minority students generally relies on strategies designed for mainstream students but with more emphasis on correctness and basic skills. Suggestions for making literacy education more equitable are offered.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Lucas, Tamara and Schechter, Sandra R., "Literacy Education and Diversity: Toward Equity in the Teaching of Reading and Writing" (1992). Department of Educational Foundations Scholarship and Creative Works. 5.
Published Citation
Lucas, T., Schecter, S.R. Literacy education and diversity: Toward equity in the teaching of reading and writing. Urban Rev 24, 85–104 (1992).
ERIC Number: ED318243