Empathic Childrearing and the Adult Construction of Childhood: A Psychohistorical Look
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The (re)construction of childhood which began in the early modern period in the West had as its primary movement a reformulation of the adult-child relation as one between very different beings. This separation, which resulted in the isolation of children from the everyday world of adults in schools and the nuclear family, is interpreted as a necessary hermeneutical moment in the adult-child relation, in which the realization of psychological difference represented a dialectical prelude to the subsequent rapprochement and dialog which deMause has characterized as the 'empathic child-rearing mode'.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Kennedy, David, "Empathic Childrearing and the Adult Construction of Childhood: A Psychohistorical Look" (1998). Department of Educational Foundations Scholarship and Creative Works. 55.
Published Citation
Kennedy, D. (1998). Empathic Childrearing and the Adult Construction of Childhood: A Psychohistorical Look. Childhood, 5(1), 9-22. https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568298005001002