"Awareness and Attitudes Regarding Music Therapy in Jakarta, Indonesia " by Liana Hadi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


College of the Arts


John J. Cali School of Music

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Karen Goodman

Committee Member

David Witten

Committee Member

Ting Ho


The purposes of this study are to ascertain the awareness, knowledge levels and the attitudes of college students towards music therapy in order to provide a perspective on the possible development of training and education in Indonesia. This study was completed by performing a random survey of seventy one college students, between the ages of 18-24 years old, over several local universities in Jakarta, Indonesia. The survey has 18 open-ended questions, which would require no more than 10 minutes for completion. The survey opens with some general questions about participants’ age, gender, the highest education and their major education. The next questions ask about their awareness of music therapy, their general knowledge of music therapy and their attitudes toward it. This study was conducted in 2008.

Based on the survey, the majority of college students in Jakarta have limited awareness as well as limited knowledge levels of music therapy. However, their attitudes toward music therapy are welcoming and positive. I believe music therapy possesses a great potential and a bright future to grow in Jakarta. Some of the initial efforts that we can take to introduce and to educate people about music therapy include conducting free seminars, distributing book literatures, publishing journals and launching websites. Also, it would be ideal if we are able to collaborate with several universities that offer both music and psychology as part of their educational programs.

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Music Therapy Commons
