"Multiorder Multidimensional Systems : Computation of the Transfer Func" by Marinos Theodorou Michael

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


College of Science and Mathematics


Computer Science

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

George E. Antoniou

Committee Member

Angel Gutierrez

Committee Member

Stefan A. Robila


In this thesis the discrete Fourier transform is used for determining the coefficients of the determinantal polynomial and the coefficients of the adjoint polynomial matrix for four systems/models. The main contribution of this thesis include:

• A method for computing the transfer function of a second-order 2D system using the DFT.

• A method for computing the transfer function of a generalized second-order 2D system using the DFT.

• The second-order 2D systems was extended to k-oider n-dimensions.

• The generalized second order 2D system was extended to generalized fc—order n— dimensions.

• A method for computing the transfer function of a /c-order n-dimensional system using the DFT.

• A method for computing the transfer function of a generalized k—order n-dimensional system using the DFT.

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