"Investigating Classroom Strategies That Affect Middle School Students’" by Christin Perillo

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


College of Education and Human Services


Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Susan Wray

Committee Member

Nancy Lauter

Committee Member

Katrina Bulkley


Homework remains a controversial topic among educators and families. Although there are reasons to support the assignment of homework as-well as reasons against its use, it seemed that a lot of my middle school students were simply not completing the work they were assigned to do at home to reinforce the skills they learned during the school day. The following illustrates an action research project that I completed to learn about two of my classes of eighth grade students’ thoughts on homework and to determine whether certain specific approaches within the classroom could boost the homework completion of these students. In order to increase the rate of homework completion, I first gathered information about students’ homework habits. From that information, I implemented several strategies into the normal classroom routine. Homework quizzes were administered, where students were assessed on problems taken directly from homework assignments to ensure they were being completed. Data was collected through these quiz scores as well as homework logs, homework completion rates, and a research journal. At the conclusion of the study, these data were analyzed and compared to see if there was any significance between the use of the interventions and the increase of homework completion. The results offered little correlation between the two. In fact, I found that the majority of the students that participated in the study actually did complete their homework most of the time. However, my research led me to other intriguing ideas such as the importance of the quality of homework that students turn in and the question of whether all students need homework.

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