"Semi-Automated Grading of Novice Java Programs for an Online Grading S" by Micheal Alexis Ponniah

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


College of Science and Mathematics


Computer Science

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

John Jenq

Committee Member

Dorothy Deremer

Committee Member

Carl Bredlau


In recent years, World Wide Web usage for teaching and learning has increased rapidly. At the same time, even with some computerized works involved, the traditional grading of home works have not changed too much. Clearly an online grading system would be a highly desirable addition to the educational tool-kit, particularly if it can provide less costly and more effective outcome. The task of grading student programs is neither simple nor entirely mechanical; rather, it is often a tedious and laborious process that is prone to human error. Recently there are a lot of researches in automating this job. Of course, it is acknowledged that there are a number of aspects that are still not amenable to computer implementation: for example, understanding the comments in a program is still beyond the ability of most advanced Artificial Intelligent techniques. However there are many areas in which an automatic grading system can do at least as well or better than human tutor. While grading a program, the correctness of the program plays a vital role. The correctness of a program in our grading environment is determined using a novel method called comparative correctness (CC). In this research, we proposed semi- automatic ways to grade applications. The method CC is presented and tested. The method can be used to test the correctness of methods in a program. Presented in this report included also an interface program that deals with grading program such as applet. This interface program can be applied to applications as well.

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