"Parental Influences on Korean Youth Academic-and Career-Related Motiva" by Jeanie Park

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College of Education and Human Services


Family Science and Human Development

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Chih-Yuan Steven Lee

Committee Member

Sara E. Goldstein

Committee Member

Miriam R. Linver


Adolescence is a universal developmental stage where many changes occur (i.e., biological, social, and psychological) during the second decade of life. Emerging adulthood a subsequent development period between adolescence and young adulthood; during emerging adulthood individuals go through various transitions such as academic and career planning, navigating one’s identity, and fostering relationships. It is important to understand individual and familial factors with parents and adolescents that are related to academic outcomes during these developmental stages, since the final years in secondary school are critical for future academic and career development. Also, studies using a culturally situated approach investigating parent- youth relationships and their influences are important.

The data used in the current study are from the Korean Employment and Educational Panel II (KEEP II). Specifically, the first three waves of data which span late adolescence and the transition to emerging adulthood (grade 11, grade 12, and 1-year post high school) are utilized (N = 10,558, 9,157, and 8,485, respectively for youth, N=10,558 for parents). Several individual and familial factors were found to contribute to youths’ academic and career development. For example, Korean parents’ academic aspirations were associated with youths’ own academic aspirations. Moreover, Korean parents’ values for life satisfaction were also associated with youths’ motivations for a successful career. Additionally, findings include gender being significant in youth motivations for studying, academic aspirations, non-academic worries and concerns, and academic stress. The findings supported the situated expectancy-value theory (SEVT), where achievement performance and choice are influenced by an individual’s expectancies and values related to achievement related choices, which are influenced by ability beliefs and an individual’s goals. These are all influenced by socialization experiences and beliefs of one’s socialization agents. SEVT also emphasizes the role of gender, culture, and race with understanding one’s achievement-related socialization experiences.

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