"Monitoring Protocol for Two New Jersey Ponds with Littoral Zone Vegeta" by Michael Wilson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


College of Science and Mathematics


Earth and Environmental Studies

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Harbans Singh

Committee Member

Eric Stern

Committee Member

Howard Horowitz


Restoration projects are becoming more frequent and commonplace because of increased regulations on development to replace lost ecosystems. Many of these projects have marginal success and rarely achieve the desired results. The mistakes and oversights are sometimes in the planning stages, but more often are made during the installation, primarily due to improper horticultural technique, poor monitoring, education, or lack of follow-up maintenance. Wetland restoration is even more difficult, due to the variable hydrologic patterns and reliance on environmental conditions. The most difficult type of wetland plant to establish is the emergent aquatic that typically grows in water up to a depth of 61 cm. This thesis reviews the establishment of emergent aquatic plants on two comparable ponds with similar species, and supports the hypothesis that proper maintenance and monitoring of a restoration project can determine the success of plant establishment. It outlines the necessary steps for a successful restoration project. With a proper monitoring protocol and maintenance there is a greater chance of success.

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