Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College for Education and Engaged Learning


Teacher Education and Teacher Development

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Emily J. Klein

Committee Member

Douglas Larkin

Committee Member

Monica Taylor


This study focused on the regenerative potential of peer observation in a post-pandemic educational climate. Teachers shared that the culture of the profession was drastically changed during and after the pandemic partly due to the restrictions put in place that prevented colleague relationships from beginning or continuing and partly due to the negative public perception of teachers. As a result, this study aimed to discern how peer observation and modified instructional round practices might affect teachers’ social/emotional wellbeing. Through interviews, rounds, and focus group meetings, teachers were willing to share their vulnerabilities around their feelings of loneliness and their yearning for more professional collaboration. The instructional rounds process ultimately led teacher participants to gain new instructional practices and to interact with their colleagues more frequently. This combination contributed to the increased teacher morale found in the data analysis. Implications for this study involve adjustments in teacher education programs, administrative and state policies, teacher voice in professional development, and potential future research focusing on teacher morale.

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