"Nurturing Black Girls: A Phenomenological Exploration of Black Girls' " by Marline Francois

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College for Community Health


Family Science and Human Development

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Pearl Stewart

Committee Member

Jason Williams

Committee Member

Carrie Masia


This research explored the lived experiences of Black girls in schools with a focus on racial discrimination and the impact it has on their mental health. Grounded in Black feminist thought and phenomenological variant of ecological systems theory (PVEST), this study used qualitative research to understand the lived experiences of Black girls. Twenty participants engaged in this study through semi-structured interviews to examine their lived experiences in school spaces. The findings of this study acknowledge the profound impact of racial discrimination on the mental health of Black girls. At the intersection of race and gender, this study contributes to the existing literature to help educators, mental health professionals, researchers, and policymakers to create equitable spaces through school-based mental health programs that provide Black girls with a space of belonging.

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