Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


College of Humanities and Social Sciences



Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Valerie Sessa

Committee Member

Jennifer Bragger

Committee Member

Meredyth Appelbaum


Sessa and London's learning model (Sessa & London 2006, London & Sessa, 2006) was used to generate hypotheses suggesting that readiness to learn predicts which college students chose to respond to learning triggers in the institutional context of a university (i.e. co- or extra-curricular activities, take on leader roles) and that participation leads to such learning outcomes as higher GP A, psycho-social development, and flourishing/wellbeing. One-hundred and sixty-eight students who varied in their participation levels (no participation beyond the classroom, participation in co-curricular activities, clubs, sports, etc., and involved in leader roles) filled out an online survey. Results partially support hypotheses. Readiness to learn partially predicted which students held leader positions and which did not participate in activities beyond the classroom; readiness to learn did not predict which students participated but did not hold leader positions. Leaders differed from non-participants in psycho-social development and flourishing. Few differences were found between leaders and participants, or participants and non-participants.
