"A Post-Intentional Phenomenological Exploration of a Sense of Safety i" by Kaitlin Brigid Mulcahy

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College of Education and Human Services


Family Science and Human Development

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield

Committee Member

Katia Paz Goldfarb

Committee Member

Jonathan Caspi


Despite a wide body of literature that suggests safety as critical to human development and individual well-being (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978; Bowlby, 1969; Fosha, Siegel & Solomon, 2009; Marvin, Cooper, Hoffman & Powell, 2002; Porges, 2011; Tronick, 2007), a comprehensive review of the literature found a paucity of research that addresses the phenomenon of a sense of safety within family units. This study sought to fill this gap through an entirely strengths-based design that made use of post-intentional phenomenological methods and arts-based analysis. The research question that guided this study was: How is the phenomenon of a sense of safety experienced within three-generation families with reported incomes at a maximum of 150% of the federal poverty level? Four families were invited to collaborate in activities of the study, including a 60-minute Open View (Fenton, 2013), the collection of children’s drawings, and an exercise of Family Sculpting (Duhl, Kantor, & Duhl, 1974; Satir, 1972). The phenomenological material produced seven tentative manifestations, which then combined into four post-intentional provocations about a sense of safety for these families: implicit, intergenerational, vigilant, and proximal. Findings from this study suggest that a sense of safety for three-generation families reporting incomes at a maximum of 150% of the federal poverty level is experienced implicitly, across generations, through actions of vigilance and physical proximity.

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