"Characterization of Eocene-Oligocene Depocenters in Prydz Bay, East An" by Daniel James Ciarletta

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


College of Science and Mathematics


Earth and Environmental Studies

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Sandra Passchier

Committee Member

Tanya Blacic

Committee Member

Josh Galster


The Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT) marked a profound shift in the Earth’s climate, as the global greenhouse o f the early Cenozoic gave way to ‘icehouse’ conditions, or a climatic regime influenced by the waxing and waning o f glacial ice. Antarctica was dramatically altered during this time; its formerly cool temperate ecosystems nearly obliterated by the first major episode o f continental glaciation. A record o f this transition appears to be partly preserved in approximately half a kilometer o f sediments recovered from three holes (at ODP Sites 739, 742, and 1166) bored in the continental margin at Prydz Bay, an embayment o f the East Antarctic coast. Until recently, these holes were never completely described with common nomenclature and analysis. This study re-evaluated these cores under a unified regime, using a laser particle sizer to generate matrix grain size distribution profiles for 253 samples collected from the combined sediment column. Additional analysis o f select samples was performed with a scanning electron microscope to classify grain textures, as well as ICP-OES to provide geochemical information. The results o f this study support stratigraphic relationships between the ODP sites that were previously only inferred through seismic acquisition. This provides a much more complete picture o f the sedimentation processes occurring through the EOT. Chemical and microtextural weathering signals also provide a new window into the environment o f Prydz Bay during the EOT. These signals seem to confirm hypotheses from previous researches that the site featured a cool/temperate environment with tidewater glacial systems in the late Eocene that transitioned into near polar glacier conditions dominated by ice sheet growth by the early Oligocene. Crucially, the results o f this investigation suggest that enhanced glaciation o f the Prydz Bay region was already occurring before the start o f the Oligocene, which suggests that an initial step down in global temperature during the late Eocene (proxied from the foraminiferal oxygen isotope record) may be directly related to the initiation o f continental ice expansion.

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