"The Influence of Student Disciplinary Participation in Post-Secondary " by Jerry S. Collins

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College of Education and Human Services



Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Leslie Kooyman

Committee Member

Karen L. Pennington

Committee Member

Dana Heller Levitt

Committee Member

Pablo P. L. Tinio


College disciplinary issues may affect students’ education and career plans similar to academic issues, yet not enough research has been conducted to analyze this subject area. Students who engage in a disciplinary process for violating a university’s code of conduct may be subject to sanctions deemed appropriate to help them learn from the experience and enhance their personal development during college. However, these students may not understand their behaviors’ potential impact on their desired career goals. Society continues to place increasing demands on more important career realization for students. Nevertheless, disciplinary education may not be adequate to help students genuinely learn from their errors, which may negatively affect their future career attainment. In the present exploratory study, the researcher collected and analyzed data from traditional-age college students using regression analysis to examine the relationship between participation in a disciplinary process and career decision self-efficacy. Results suggest a significant positive relationship between student disciplinary participation and career decision self-efficacy while calling for future research on the influence of student disciplinary processes.

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