"Code Ownership : Plagiarism and Use" by Alexis Nicole Amore

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


College of Humanities and Social Sciences


Political Science and Law

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

lan Drake

Committee Member

Avram Segall

Committee Member

Ariel Alvarez


Technology is moving at unmeasurable rates to that of law. Ownership rights and legality become harder to grasp distant theories. With community code-sharing and limiting language structures, when does code become plagiarized or entity-owned? The disciplines of Cyberlaw and computer science are used to provide a better understanding.

The Cyberlaw discipline explores how jurisdiction views cyberspace, source code, and source code’s placement within legislation. Due to cyberspace’s ever-evolving nature, litigation struggles to encompass the possibilities within it. Computer science delves into theory-based excursions that define the law’s shape in the cyber realm. It bolsters the possibility of implementing progressive legislation that could produce a more flexible, structured law.

This research involves theories for legislation around source code ownership, record- keeping databases, and a reformed legal system with an understanding of technology. This work aspires to discover new ways of ownership rights and inquire about ownership when there is a limiting language structure with which to work. Flexibility is imperative for the law to function in cyberspace which is rather new to a legal system in this sector. The research serves as a gateway to a newly reformed cyberlaw system in terms of ownership regarding source code and limiting computer language structures.

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