Let Our Voices Be Heard: Urban Minority Adolescents Share Their Perspectives Regarding Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Messages
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Journal / Book Title
American Journal of Health Promotion
Purpose. This study explored the substance abuse and human immunodeficiency virus prevention needs of urban minority adolescents.Design. Six 1-hour focus groups.Setting. Two high schools and two community-based organizations located in the city of Paterson, New Jersey.Participants. The sample included 41 African-American and Latino youth, ranging in ages from 13 to 18 years.Method. Data were collected through six focus group interviews. Each group discussion was audiorecorded and transcribed. Qualitative software was then used to facilitate the processes of thematic analysis, until emergent themes transcended the data. To bolster the rigor and confirmability of analysis, additional researchers coded stratified selections of transcript.Results. Study participants were able to identify the environmental threats and structural deficits impacting their city. Few of the youth were able to recognize substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention messages in their immediate surroundings. Additionally, most participants indicated that prevention messages must be delivered in authentic ways from relatable sources in order to resonate with their audience.Conclusion. Our findings emphasize the importance of infusing the adolescents' voices into the design and implementation of health promotion messages, which could serve to increase their receptivity and responsiveness, and the overall resonance of the interventions. (Am J Health Promot 2014;29[2]:107- 114.).
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Reid, Robert; Garcia-Reid, Pauline; Forenza, Bradley; Eckert, Caitlin; Carrier, Melissa; and Drag, Stephanie, "Let Our Voices Be Heard: Urban Minority Adolescents Share Their Perspectives Regarding Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Messages" (2014). Department of Family Science and Human Development Scholarship and Creative Works. 106.
Published Citation
Reid RJ, Garcia-Reid P, Forenza B, Eckert C, Carrier M, Drag S. Let Our Voices Be Heard: Urban Minority Adolescents Share Their Perspectives regarding Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Messages. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2014;29(2):107-114. doi:10.4278/ajhp.130117-QUAL-34