Subject Name
Luis Menendez
Subject Bio
Luis nació y creció en San Salvador, durante la guerra civil en El Salvador. Fue parte de una familia religiosa durante su niñez y adolescencia. Cuando se hizo adulto, se involucró con la política y los sindicatos de salud y hasta fue parte de la junta directiva de unos de los sindicatos mas grandes en San Salvador. Después de ser detenido dos veces por su trabajo con los sindicatos y amenazado, decidió emigrar a los Estados Unidos. Llegó a los Estados Unidos en el año 2005, y enfrentó muchos obstáculos. Hoy en día vive en Nueva Jersey y forma parte de los lideres de Make the Road NJ, una organización que lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes.
Luis was born and raised in San Salvador during the civil war in El Salvador. He was part of a religious family during his childhood and adolescence. When he became an adult, he became involved with politics and health unions and was even part of the board of directors of one of the largest unions in San Salvador. After being arrested twice for his work with the unions and threatened, he decided to immigrate to the United States. He came to the United States in 2005, and faced many obstacles. Today he lives in New Jersey and is part of the leaders of Make the Road NJ, an organization that fights for the rights of immigrants.
New Jersey
Katherine Sastre
Date Recorded
Fall 12-5-2022
Language of Recording
Montclair State University Course
SOCI 307
Primary Faculty Name
Stephen Ruszczyk
El Salvador, Sindicatos, Unions, Discriminación, Discrimination, Make the Road NJ, Detention
An interview with Luis Menendez, an immigrant leader from Make the Road New Jersey. The interview covers life before immigrating, arrival and integration, and political participation.
Civic and Community Engagement | Community-Based Learning | Migration Studies | Politics and Social Change
Recommended Citation
Sastre, Katherine, "Interview with Luis Menendez" (2022). Immigrant Leaders. 1.

Included in
Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Community-Based Learning Commons, Migration Studies Commons, Politics and Social Change Commons