IAPC Curriculum

The IAPC philosophy curriculum is designed to engage P-12 students in exploring the logical, ethical, political, aesthetic, and other philosophical dimensions of their experience. The curriculum consists of short novels for students, written in informal language, and instructional manuals containing conceptual explanations for teachers and discussion exercises and activities to supplement the students’ inquiry. Students begin a philosophy session by reading aloud or acting out an episode from one of the novels and identifying issues that interest them. They deliberate about these issues together as a “community of inquiry,” practicing careful thinking and democratic dialogue. Teachers facilitate these dialogues by inviting students to share their questions and ideas with the community, modeling good thinking moves, and encouraging students to listening to each other, build on each other’s ideas, and disagree respectfully. They maintain a sense of where the discussion is going and share their own sense of wonder about the issues. The IAPC is pleased to provide these curriculum materials for free download (donations are appreciated). Professional development in the use of this curriculum and in facilitating philosophical inquiry is available at the IAPC Residential Summer Course.


Browse the IAPC Curriculum Collections:

Preschool Curriculum

Early Elementary School Curriculum

Later Elementary School Curriculum

Middle School Curriculum

Secondary School Curriculum

Adult Education Curriculum

New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills

Thinking in Stories: Reviewing Philosophy in Children’s Literature