New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills | IAPC Curriculum | Montclair State University

The New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills (Shipman, 1983) aims to assess reasoning skills of upper elementary school students. The test has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of Philosophy for Children curriculum. It consists of 50 multiple-choice questions intended to target multiple dimensions of reasoning, such as detecting assumptions, deductive reasoning, etc. According to independent reviews of the test (Ellen, 1992; Sutton, 1992), the test manual does not provide sufficient evidence to support its reliability and validity. Future test users are not advised to use The New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills without first collecting additional information about the quality of this measure.


Submissions from 1992


New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills - Adult Version, Virginia Shipman

Submissions from 1986


La prueba de Habilidades de razonamiento II Nueva Jersey, Luis Nunez Gornes

Submissions from 1983


New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills Answer Key, Virginia Shipman


New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills Form B, Virginia Shipman


New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills - Review, Virginia Shipman