"16. Looking for Meaning (manual) by Matthew Lipman and Ann Margaret Sh" by Matthew Lipman and Ann Margaret Sharp



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The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

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The philosophical exercises in this manual offer practice in generalization, classification, concept development, making comparisons, offering counterexamples, using analogies and contradiction. Reasoning skills are employed in writing exercises, and in enhancing students' judgment. Discussion plans help students explore philosophical concepts central to their experience, such as friendship, families, honesty and autonomy. All reasoning skills and philosophical concepts are explained in nontechnical language.


Looking for Meaning, Chapter 7, episode 1, p. 234


  1. What do you think Pixie means when she yells, "We're free!"?
  2. Are we free when there is no one over us to tell us how to live?
  3. Are we free when we have to make up our own rules instead of having them already made for us?
  4. Are Pixie and Miranda free when their parents go away?
  5. Are we free when nothing stops us from doing what we want to do?
  6. Are we free if no one prevents us from hurting ourselves?
  7. Would we be free if there were no laws to prevent other people from hurting us?
  8. Would we be free if the laws applied only to some people and not to everyone?
  9. If you were the only person in the world, could you live without rules?
  10. Can a large number of people live together in the world without rules?



Education | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

Published Reviews and Research

Archival Materials Related to the Pixie Curriculum

  • “Spine” of philosophical issues and skills

  • Lipman, Matthew (1996) Sources and References for Pixie. In Ann Margaret Sharp and Ronald F. Reed (Eds.) Studies in Philosophy for Children: Pixie, 316-404. Madrid, ES: Ediciones de La Torre.

16. Looking for Meaning (manual) by Matthew Lipman and Ann Margaret Sharp

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