Ask the Audience...Using Clickers to Enhance Introductory Business Statistics Courses

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Teaching introductory business statistics presents many challenges, including motivating students to engage in the learning process. This research presents a real-life application of incorporating radio-frequency clickers into the course delivery of introductory business statistics. These "clickers" are part of a student response system that allow students to answer questions and records their responses in real time during class meetings. Using clickers provides a fun and interactive way for faculty to get immediate feedback from students and gauge their level of understanding of class material. It permits the instructor to adjust the pace of the class according to students' understanding. Clickers also allow students to gauge their own understanding of the material and provide an opportunity to respond to in-class questions anonymously. This paper discusses an application of using clickers in an introductory business statistics courses and an analysis of the results of a student survey on perceived clicker classroom usage, along with a discussion of the lessons learned.

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