Poets by Name

The poets listed below hail from the different cities of Haiti indicated on the associated maps. Clicking on an author name below will lead to a brief bio-bibliographical sketch followed by a list of the translated poems (and French originals) currently housed in the repository. Please check back regularly to discover new poets and new translations.

Browse the contents of Poets by Name:

Coriolan Ardouin
Jean-Baptiste Chenet
Oswald Durand
Pierre Faubert
Ida Faubert
Edmond Laforest
Paul Lochard
Jules-Solime Milscent
Ignace Nau
Timothée Paret
Volvick Ricourt
Virginie Sampeur
Charles Séguy-Villevaleix
Isaac Toussaint-Louverture
Duraciné Vaval
Damoclès Vieux
Christian Werleigh