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Journal of Chemical Education 96


A laboratory-safety course has been developed that is designed to introduce first-year graduate students to the array of dangers associated with research in the chemical sciences. We describe the challenges of creating an impactful course that seeks to convey practical laboratory-safety information in a classroom setting for students with a diverse array of interests. In particular, we have found that a flipped-classroom model highlighting case studies creates a concrete experience that actively engages course participants. In addition, the introduction of various pedagogical tools, including active-learning techniques (field trips, role-playing games, and group projects), were triggered in large part by recommendations from the students themselves.



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Published Citation

David J. Hill, Olivia F. Williams, Danianne P. Mizzy, Therese F. Triumph, Catherine R. Brennan, Dawn C. Mason, and David S. Lawrence Journal of Chemical Education 2019 96 (4), 652-659 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00774
