"Volume 5, No. 2"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children





Contributing Authors

Aviran, Roni. “An Appeal for Total Intellectual Openness.” 26-­27.

Baumgarten, Elias. “The Ethical and Social Responsibilities of Philosophy Teachers.” 13-­18.

Braggin, Mary Vetterling and Eva Brann. “A Way to Philosophy.” 6­-12.

Bruning Barbara. “We Discover That Thinking is Fun: Doing Philosophy with First Graders.” 25.

Ende, Michael. “Literature for Children?” 2­-5.

Hare, R.M. “Encouraging Children to Reason Ethically,” from The London Sunday Times. 25.

Huntington, Jack. “Transcript Regarding Fairness from the Gomer Co. Jr. School, Gasport, England.” 36­-38.

Iono, John, Weinstein, Mark and John Martin. “A Review of District 24’s Philosophy for Children Program.” 28-­35.

Kyle, Judy A. “Managing Philosophical Discussions.” 19-­22.

Matthews, Gareth. “Review of Natalie S. Carlson, Time for the White Egret.” 1.

McNaughton, A.H. “The Enlightenment of the Later Piaget,” from Cognitive Development, Political Understanding and Political Literacy. 25.

Montale, Eugenio. “On Childhood Things,” from The Second Life of Art Selected Essays. 24.

Morehouse, Richard E. “Review of Ronald Reed, The Gift of Conversation Talking with Children.” 39­-40.

Pierce, C.S. “Self­-controlled Conduct,” from Collected Papers, Vol. 5.

Richards, I.A. “The Classroom as a Philosophic Laboratory,” from Responsibilities in the Teaching of English. 24.

Simmel, George. “Knowledge and Capital,” from The Philosophy of Money. 23.

Anonymous. “Third Grade Nominations,” from “Talk of the Town,” in The New Yorker. 24.

Weinberger, David. “Another Voice in the Wilderness,” from Computer Literacy is Not Literacy. 23.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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