"Volume 5, No. 4"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children





Contributing Authors

Auden, W.H. “Writing.” 61-­66.

Brandon, E.P. “On What Isn’t Learned in School.” 22-­28.

Camhy, Daniela. “The Practice of Philosophy for Children in Austria: How Can Children Think Philosophically?” 54-­57.

Collingwood, R.G. “On Following the Philosopher’s Thought,” from “An Essay on Philosophical Method.” 45.

Curtis, Barry. “Wittgenstein and Philosophy for Children.” 10-­19.

Furlong, John, and William Carroll. “Teaching Reasoning with Computers.” 29­-32.

Hare, R.M. “The Priority of Principles,” from “What Makes Choices Rational?” 44.

Harman, Gilbert. “Is There Such a Thing as ‘Deductive Reasoning’,” from The Nature of Morality. 46.

Harrison, Andrew. “Learning, Thinking and Making,” from Making and Thinking: A Study of Intelligent Activities. 43.

Kundera, Milan. “Can Novels Embody Philosophy?” from The Novel and Europe. 42.

Lipman, Matthew. “Philosophy and the Cultivation of Reasoning.” 33-­41.

Malcolm, Norman. “Are Cognitive Processes Just Myths?” from The Myth of Cognitive Processes and Structures. 44.

Matthews, Gareth. “Review of William Steig, Yellow and Pink.” 1.

Merleau­-Ponty, Maurice. “Thinking Between the Things That Are Said.” 43.

Mill, John Stuart. “The Role of Logic in Education.” 20­-21.

Mostert, Pieter. “Step by Step in Children’s Philosophy.” 58-­60.

Rud, A.G. “Review of Martin Glatzel and Ekkehard Martens, Philosophieren im Unterricht.” 67­-68.

Quine, W.V. “What We Mean When We Talk About Meaning,” from Mind and Verbal Dispositions. 45.

Richardson, Brenda C. and Oscanyon, Frederick S. Oscanyan. “A Philosophy Fairytale.” 2­-9.

Splitter, Laurance. “Philosophy for Children An Important Curriculum Innovation.”

Stock, Guy. “Atheism and Philosophy,” from The Times Educational Supplement. 43.

Welliver, Neil. “On Becoming a Conduit for Reality.” 46.

Welty, Eudora. “Of Words and Books,” from One Writer’s Beginnings. 42.

Whorf, Benjamin Lee. “The Value of Linguistic Pluralism,” from Language and Logic. 45.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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